Who are we?
We are a premier,accreditedOnline Language School seekingModern Italian Languageinstructors to teach high school and middle school Italian courses online. Our students are typically between the ages of 12 and 18 years old and are mostly taking Italian to fulfill their high school World Language requirement. We offer Middle School and High School Levels 1-6+ of Italian, and conversational and test/prep courses.
Our curriculum is ACTFL-aligned,and we donotuse a textbook to teach the language. Instead, we rely on ACTFL Can-Do Statements and real-world communication contexts to guide the lessons. Our syllabi are designed to accommodate atextbook-freecontext.We offer a Resource Library to guide instructors, but they areexpected to create/usetheir ownteachingmaterials. We follow Project-Based Learning anddontassess using quizzes, tests, or exams.
If you are creative, familiar with online teaching, student-centered, and enjoy teaching Italian as a World Language, you will fit right in!
- Teach one-on-one online lessons using Microsoft Teams.
- Assign and correct homework assignments and projects.
- Track grades and students progress.
- Focus on student engagement and student success.
- Demonstrategenuinerespect for all students.
- 1-2+ years of experience teaching Italian (online and/or in a school setting).
- Native-like languageproficiency.
- ABachelorsDegree.
- Familiarity with technology and Microsoft Office.
- Strong work ethicandinterpersonalskills.
- US time zone (PST) with evening availability preferred.
*Be sure your submitted resume is in English. Applications without the required video will not be considered.
Job Type:Contract
LanguageBirdis an equal-opportunity employer.LanguageBirddoes not sponsor US work visas. Teachers are either given an international contract whileresidingoutside of the US or a US-based contract for those with permission to legally work in the US.Hourly rates aredeterminedby teaching experience, education, and other experience applicable to the role.
I understand and accept that if I am invited to teach atLanguageBird, myphotoand biography will be displayed onLanguageBird'swebsite
remote work